Understanding your Whiskey Malts
Parejo Cigars: Origins, taste and smoking
Proper Cigar Etiquette: Smoking with class and sophistication
Wine Etiquette: The Do's and Don'ts of wine consumption
Churchill Cigars: " I want all the smoke!"
Robusto Cigars: Origins, taste and current trends
Cabernet Sauvignon: History, taste, and pairings
Cabernet Franc: Being frank about Franc
Petit Verdot: A lot of a Little
Malbec: The quiet quaint wine that people forget about
Merlot Wine: Mastering the mystery of Merlot
Port Wine: Understanding what's im"PORT"ant!
Chardonnay: Origins, taste and more
Riesling: The taste of the town
Pinot Grigio: Read all about it!
Sauvignon Blanc: Be savvy about your Sauvi!
Pinot Noir: Learn about this wine
Moscato Wine: Be in the know
Torpedo Cigars : What's the haps?